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Dasher in Schools

This page describes uses of Dasher in educational settings, especially in mainstream schools.

Dasher is a component in a project by

Ian Usher
E-Learning Co-ordinator, Research & Development
School Improvement Service, Buckinghamshire County Council
[e] iusher[AT]   [skype] iusher   
[t] 01296 382038               [m] 07747 757868
This project is being developed as a `Nesta Futurelab design challenge'.

Neil Dennison [Neil[AT]], in a City Learning Centre in Bristol, has conducted pilot projects where young children are plonked in front of Dasher and asked to write.

Dr. Mark Winterbottom [mw244[AT]] is also interested in research projects investigating Dasher in schools.

 Dr. Mark Winterbottom [mw244[AT]]
 Lecturer in Education
 Faculty of Education
 University of Cambridge

If you know of other educational work with Dasher, please let David MacKay know.

The Inference Group is supported by the Gatsby Foundation
and by a partnership award from IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
David MacKay
��վ����޸��� Fri Oct 1 10:33:25 BST 2010