What users say
Marc says:
When I saw the video of Dasher in action, I was blown away. This is really
exciting stuff. The idea of it goes beyond what many have tried to solve.
I quickly downloaded it to a Pocket PC and began showing it to all of my
friends at work. They were all impressed and everyone has had fun playing
with it. I work in the console games industry, and I highly recommend you
pursue developing this for console game machines that only use a joystick
for an input device. This would solve quite a few problems that industry
is trying to solve with, text messaging in multiplayer games that don't
have keyboards, and would be even greater on wireless phones with instant
messaging. Very nice indeed. I've just seen part of the future.
`Kiwi' says:
Okay, so here I am, a disabled programmer. I just discovered dasher a few
hours ago, and I'm in love. I desperately need dasher, and I'm willing to
do all I can to help.
and then one day later,
Im writing this email in dasher. In only an hour or two of use Ive gotten
pretty good at it. Im pleasantly surprised because Ive had so much trouble
with voice recognition I had despaired of ever being able to program again.
Now Im confident that I can do anything I want in a matter of months.
`yogi' says:
very impressed :-D -
looked a bit clumsy to start with but after a minute of using I had
already attained a respectable speed (Once i'd got the principle)
Andrew says:
I haven't yet decided if Dasher's key feature is that it's fast and
practical, or that its lots of fun!
Daaf says:
I am speachless.. seeing the
animations / movies / screenshots I thought it was utter chaos... working
with it has proven to be so simple though...
"pedrodawa" says
Breakthrough !
I am not kidding...
You guys are starting something that can make keyboards things of the
past. Just take your time and do it right. If this is the prototype,
I can hardly wait for the real thing. This is amazing stuff !!!
Mark says:
Excellent program. This could really change the way we use handhelds -- beats Graffiti to the ground, that's for sure.
NJovich says:
I tried the binary and was quite surprised just how easy it was to get into. You can slow down by moving your mouse to the right and speed up by moving it to the left. And that works rather intuitively, I like it.
I'd really love to see this in game consoles where text-input can be a real pain even today.
Another slashdot poster says:
I downloaded the software, tried it out, and after two minutes, I'm impressed. MUCH easier to use that I thought that it would be, It almost seems to be reading My mind, as to what I want to say...
While it could still use a bit of work, overall it is an incredible
new paridgm in the way that text-entry can happen. palm-top users are
going to fall in love with it's ease of use, I predict.
A more `finished' version would be nice for the desktop users, perhaps
allowing it to reside in a side window tray that scrolled out when
selected, and did the text entry in whatever text box has the edit
focus. Add that, and it will become a permanent addition to My
Kudos to David MacKay and his crew for creating something unique and new, and actually enhancing the user interface at the same time.
And another:
Download this, and give it a serious try. More than 20 seconds. If you try it for five minutes, you'll see the power of it.
It's amazing how quickly you can pick up the basics (unlike Graffiti and other handwriting techniques).
It's a start of something great, I think.
I think this is one of the few areas where software patents actually
make sence (I assume the people who made this have got some kind of
patent for it). Unlike a lot of examples of software patents this is
'non obvious' and (as far as I know) is not a simple extention of
someone else's work. Perhaps this could be used as a standard to
judge other software patents: If something does not achive this
standard of idea it should not be patentable.
Chris says:
I just wanted to say congratulations on
Dasher - it is a truly incredible program! I am currently studying
Cybernetics at Reading university, which has led me to some projects of my
own for using technology to help disabled people, and such things as
augmented reality. I have passed on website links for Dasher to a school for
disabled students
(http://www.natstar.ac.uk/) because I believe you have a system here wich
could be incredibly useful to them!
Congratulations on your idea again!! It makes a fantastic change to
typing!!! I am now running it on my PC and an IPAQ :)
The Dasher project is supported by the Gatsby Foundation and by the European Commission in the context of the AEGIS project - open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards) David MacKaySite last modified Fri Oct 1 10:33:22 BST 2010